Help. Hope. Healing.

Stillwaters offers support to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy
or those struggling following an abortion.

You are not alone

Stillwaters offers help, hope, and healing. 
No matter what you have been through - unplanned pregnancy or abortion - we are here so you don't have to go through this alone.


An unplanned pregnancy can be a scary and confusing time. It is common to have many different, even conflicting, emotions. It is important to find out your options and make an informed decision.  

Post-abortion support

If you are finding it difficult to cope after an abortion, you are not alone. Many suffer in silence, without anyone to talk. Stillwaters understands and is here to help you.

Take the first step

All of our services are free.  Take your first step and get in touch.  We are a safe and non-judgemental place for you to find help, hope, and healing.

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Stillwaters Pregnancy Centre Logo
Registered Charity No. 1087047

Because we do not perform or refer for termination, we are able to offer impartial information.